July 2022
"Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life - think of it, dream of it, live on that idea. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, every part of your body, be full of that idea, and just leave every other idea alone. This is the way to success” - Swami VivekanandaThe world, by that I mean the 24 hour news cycle, would like you to believe that more of everything is good. We have one life, max it out doing everything you can they say. There definitely are a few polymaths out there, but for the rest of us earthlings, this only means stress!
As we navigate through the middle of the year, we have distractions all around us. Everything around us is competing for our attention and priority. Stay calm , stay focused.. It's not your fault!
We consider it a great honor to present to you the July’22 edition of the PM Essence Newsletter. It was a month full of in-person events & interaction opportunities like the AMM. The Essence team finally met and we were able to put a name to the faces and voices we collaborate with each month!
In continuation with the spirit of World Yoga Day, we have a guest article titled “ASANAS in Project Management”. It is a refreshing take, I only wish PMs had the power to assign task owners an asana everyday!
The PM footprints session this month talked about Cloud projects and the paradigm shift they are bringing to Project Management, and the E & C footprints talks about the development stages of a Retail store project.
It was an eventful month with the Annual Members meeting and the Toastmasters Club chartering events. Some pictures to make you jealous in case you missed it, along with the updates regarding the events.
To conclude, there is an update about the chapter events. Bear in mind the in-person events will increase going forward, so please clear your calendars and get those permissions at home in advance for the Saturdays you want to attend!
Here’s wishing the July edition readers a productive month full of physical activity, before the festival season kicks in :-)
Thank you for your continued readership and we look forward for connecting back in our August’’22 edition
Kindest Regards,
Team Essence
Editorial Content Credit: Shashank Burli
For feedback – avpmarcom1@pmibangalore.org